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Books Edited

  1. M. Chatzakou, J.E. Restrepo , M. Ruzhansky, B. Torebek, K. Van Bockstal. Modern Problems in PDEs and Applications - Extended Abstracts of the 2023 GAP Center Summer School. Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center. Birkhäuser, 2024.
  2. D. Cardona, J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky. Extended Abstracts 2021/2022, Methusalem Lectures. Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center. Birkhäuser, 2024.


4. S. Gómez Cobos, J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky. Evolutionary integro-differential equations of scalar type on locally
compact groups, (2024).

3. J.E. Restrepo. Direct and inverse abstract Cauchy problems with fractional powers of almost sectorial operators. arXiv:2408.00240, (2024).

2. S. Gómez Cobos, J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky. Heat-wave-Schrödinger type equations on locally compact groups. arXiv: 2302.00721, (2023).

1. M Chatzakou, J.E. Restrepo, M Ruzhansky. Heat and wave type equations with non-local operators, II. Hilbert spaces and graded Lie groups. arXiv:2301.12256, (2023).


43. J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky, B.T. Torebek. Integro-differential diffusion equations on graded Lie groups. Asymptotic Anal., (2024), (to appear).

42. S. G\'omez Cobos, J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky. $L^p-L^q$ estimates for non-local heat and wave type equations on locally compact groups. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, (2024), (to appear).

41. W.A.A. de Moraes, J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky. Heat and wave type equations with non-local operators, I. Compact Lie groups. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. 2, (2024), 1299-1328.

40. A.M. Jerbashian, S.G. Rafayelyan, J.E. Restrepo. Some aspects of the contribution of Mkhitar Djrbashian to fractional calculus. Fract Calc Appl Anal 27, 971–986 (2024).

39. V. Kumar, J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky. Asymptotic Estimates for the Growth of Deformed Hankel Transform by Modulus of Continuity. Results Math. 79, 22 (2024).

38. V. Kumar, J.E. Restrepo. Titchmarsh Theorem by Modulus of Continuity for the Deformed Hankel–Lipschitz Classes. In: Ruzhansky, M., Torebek, B. (eds) Extended Abstracts MWCAPDE 2023. MWCAPDE 2023. Trends in Mathematics, vol 1. Birkhäuser, Cham, 2024.

37. A. Fernandez, J. E. Restrepo, J.-D. Djida. On the fractional Laplacian of a function with respect to another function. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. (2024), 1-32, DOI 10.1002/mma.10256.

36. J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhasky, D. Suragan. Generalized fractional Dirac type operators. Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. 26, 2720--2756 (2023).

35. A. Fernandez, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. A new representation for the solutions of fractional differential equations with variable coefficients. Mediterr. J. Math., 20(27), (2023).

34. A. Fernandez, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. On linear fractional differential equations with variable coefficients. Appl. Math. Comput., 432, #127370, (2022).

33. A. Fernandez, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan, Prabhakar-type linear differential equations with variable coefficients. Differ. Integral Equ., 35(9/10), (2022), 581-610.

32. K. Jabbarkhanov, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. A reaction-diffusion equation on stratified groups. J. Math. Sci., 266, (2022), 593—602.

31. J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. New characterizations of harmonic Hardy spaces. Chapter in: Ruzhansky, M., Wirth, J. (eds) Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham, (2022).

30. J.E. Restrepo, H. Rafeiro. Revisiting Taibleson’s theorem. Electron. Res. Arch., 30(2), (2022), 565-573.

29. T. Ozawa, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Inverse abstract Cauchy problems. Appl. Anal., 101(14), (2022), 4965--4969.

28. A. Karapetyants, J.E. Restrepo. Composition operators on holomorphic variable exponent spaces. Math. Method. Appl. Sci., 45(14), (2022), 8566—8577.

27. A. Abilassan, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. On a variant of multivariate Mittag-Leffler's function arising in the Laplace transform method. Integr. Transf. Spec. F., 34(3), (2022), 244—260.

26. A. Fernandez, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Linear differential equations with variable coefficients and Mittag-Leffler kernels. Alex. Eng. J., 61(6), (2021), 4757--4763.

25. A. Fernandez, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Lipschitz and Fourier type conditions with moduli of continuity in rank 1 symmetric spaces. Monatsh. Math., 197, (2022), 353—364.

24. O. Blasco, A. Karapetyants, J.E. Restrepo. Boundedness of composition operators in holomorphic Hölder type spaces. Math. Method. Appl. Sci., 44(17), (2021), 13670--13683.

23. J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Hilfer-type fractional differential equations with variable coefficients. Chaos Solit., 150, #111146, (2021).

22. J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Direct and inverse Cauchy problems for generalized space-time fractional differential equations. Adv. Differential Equations, 26(7--8), (2021), 305--339.

21. R. Daher, A. Fernandez, J.E. Restrepo. Characterising extended Lipschitz type conditions with moduli of continuity. Results Math. 76, #125, (2021).

20. J.E. Restrepo, M. Ruzhansky, D. Suragan. Explicit solutions for linear variable-coefficient fractional differential equations with respect to functions. Appl. Math. Comput., 403, #126177, (2021).

19. J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Oscillatory solutions of fractional integro-differential equations II. Math. Method. Appl. Sci., 44(8), (2021), 7262--7274.

18. J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Hardy type inequalities in generalized grand Lebesgue spaces. Adv. Oper. Theory, 6(2), #30, (2021).

17. D. Baleanu, J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. A class of time-fractional Dirac type operators. Chaos Solit., 143, #110590, (2021).

16. J.E. Restrepo, R.A. Higuita, S. Jain. Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stabilities of some classes of fractional differential equations. Chapter in: Special functions and analysis of differential equations, edited by P. Agarwal, R.P. Agarwal and Michael Ruzhansky. CRC Press- Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

15. O. Blasco, A. Karapetyants, J.E. Restrepo. Holomorphic Hölder type spaces and composition operators. Math. Method. Appl. Sci., 43(17), (2020), 10005--10026.

14. J.E. Restrepo, D. Suragan. Oscillatory solutions of fractional integro-differential equations. Math. Method. Appl. Sci., 43(15), (2020), 9080--9089.

13. A. Akkurt, J.E. Restrepo, H. Yildirim. Representations and properties of a new family of omega-Caputo fractional derivatives. Turk. J. Math., 44(3), (2020), 662--675.

12. P. Agarwal, J.E. Restrepo. An extension by means of $\omega$-weighted classes of the generalized Riemann-Liouville k-fractional integral inequalities. J. Math. Inequal., 14(1), (2020), 35--46.

11. A. Karapetyants, J.E. Restrepo. Generalized Hölder Type Spaces of Harmonic functions in the unit ball and half space. Czech. Math. J., 70, (2020), 675--691.

10. A. Karapetyants, J.E. Restrepo. Boundedness of projection operator in generalized holomorphic and harmonic spaces of Hölder type functions. Chapter in: Modern methods in operator theory and harmonic analysis. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2019.

9. J.E. Restrepo, A. Piedrahita, P. Agarwal. Multidimensional Fourier Transform and Fractional Derivative. Proc. Jangjeon Math. Soc., 22(2), (2019), 269--279.

8. P. Agarwal, A.M. Jerbashian, J.E. Restrepo. Weighted integral inequalities in terms of omega-fractional integro-differentiation. Chapter in: Advances in mathematical inequalities and applications. Birkhäuser series: Trends in Mathematics, 2018.

7. J.E. Restrepo. On some subclasses of delta-subharmonic functions of bounded type in the disc. J. Contemp. Math. Anal., 53(6), (2018), 346--354.

6. A.M. Jerbashian, J.E. Restrepo. A boundary property of some subclasses of functions of bounded type in the half-plane. Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 20(6), (2017), 1531--1544.

5. J.E. Restrepo, A.M. Jerbashian, P. Agarwal. On some subclasses of hypergeometric functions with Djrbashian Cauchy type kernel. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 10(5), (2017), 2340--2349.

4. J.E. Restrepo, A. Kilicman, P. Agarwal, O. Altun. Weighted hypergeometric functions and fractional derivative. Adv. Differ. Equ., 2017, #105, (2017), 1--11.

3. A.M. Jerbashian, J.E. Restrepo. On some classes of harmonic functions with nonnegative harmonic majorants in the half-plane. J. Contemp. Math. Anal., 51(2), (2016), 79--89.

2. A.M. Jerbashian, J.E. Restrepo. On some subclasses of delta-subharmonic functions with nonnegative harmonic majorants in the half-plane. J. Contemp. Math. Anal., 51(3), (2016), 134--147.

1. A.M. Jerbashian, J.E. Restrepo. Riesz type minimal representations in the half-plane. Adv. Appl. Math. Sci., 17(12), (2012), 1--37.